Date and Time
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
July 14, 2016
11:30am - 1:00pm
The Kenney
7125 Fauntleroy Way SW
Seattle WA 98136
Register by July 11, 2016
Early Registration Rates
$25 for Members
$35 for Non-Members
Based upon availability:
Registration after July 11, 2016
$30 for Members
$40 for Non-Members
July Luncheon Thursday, July 12th
Homelessness and Affordable Housing.... Have you heard the latest Sound Transit’s plans to bring light rail to West Seattle? These subjects are complex and can be confusing. Your Chamber wants to bring some clarity to this issues.
We are privileged to have King County Council, Joe McDermott, the Chair of the King County Council and the Chair of the ST3 Board, speak on Homelessness, Affordable Housing and what Sound Transit 3 means for West Seattle. Q&A period is planned.
Connections and Education - Networking at West Seattle Chamber Luncheons allows you to learn about other businesses and tell others about your business. Having our Elected Officials speak about issues that affect the West Seattle business community and then allow for Q&A enables your voice to be heard. This happens at the July WSCC luncheon.