Listening to Grief is offering a 90-minute peer grief support group for those grieving the death of a loved one. Facilitated by certified grief educator, Tamara Kubacki.
Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing. Every participant has dedicated time to speak about whatever they’d like, without judgment or interruption. By sharing and listening to others, we feel less lonely and grief can begin to feel less heavy.
These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Learn more and register at listeningtogrief.com/groups. Contact Tamara at tamara@listeningtogrief.com with questions.

Date and Time
Monday Apr 6, 2026
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM PDT
Mondays (except November 25th)
6:30 pm-8:00 pm
$32/session. 4 sessions for $102 (use within 6 weeks). Discounts are available for those who could otherwise not afford to attend.
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