Saturday Jan 20, 2024
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM PST
Saturday January 20th, 2024
10 AM to 3 PM
Address is 601 Union Street, Seattle WA 98101.
Note the parking garage connects Two Union Square and One Union Square. We will be at TWO UNION Square.
Because it will be on a Saturday, the building will be locked. We will be letting people in. We will gather at the lobby in front of elevators that go to Floor 17. I will bring us up in small groups. Elevators are locked due to security.
It is free!
Jessica Santana - phone: 206.769.6330
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This Home buying class is a great way to start the home buying process.
It is a 5 hour home buying class, and at the end, you will receive a certificate of completion. The class is super informative and will include a Real Estate Agent, a Credit Reports expert, Home Insurance and Inspector experts.
If you are considering down payment assistance (Financing the down payment), the class is a requirement. Most people take the class because it is so informative.
We encourage public transportation. If you must drive, we will validate parking for you.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce for more information.
5450 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98136 – (206) 932-5685 –