Date and Time
Friday Nov 26, 2021 Saturday Dec 4, 2021
Virtual Auction Page
Donate something from your business or if you provide a complimentary consultation (such as insurance, real estate sales, other services), then members of your business could donate something personal - like art work or jewelry for example. Your business will get exposure since the business name will show along with the item in the auction.
The highest bidder gets the item. Funds from the auction support Kiwanis in the local community.
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Kiwanis of West Seattle – https://kiwaniswestseattle.org/, was founded in 1929 – almost 100 years ago. This winter we will have our annual fundraiser – a virtual Pancake Breakfast – on the first Saturday of December. But instead of delicious pancakes with the fixin’s, and baskets of goodies that folks bid on, it will be virtual as it was last year. On the web link above, click on “Silent Auction 2021” in the left frame to learn more.
This is a local affair. It is promoted by the West Seattle Blog. Folks who see the virtual auction reside in West Seattle and neighborhoods to the south such as White Center and Burien.
The online virtual auction begins Friday, November 26th, ends Saturday, December 4th. Simply log in and bid on items. You will see the names of local businesses promoting what they do. The highest bidder gets the item.
Funds from the auction go to support Kiwanis in the local community in our efforts to help children, students in Key Clubs, Action Clubs for those with disabilities, and Crew 760 which is co-ed. Crew 760’s direction is primarily outdoor, high adventure, and anything new that the youth want to try. Our major emphasis is that we are youth led and youth centric.
Donating is a great way for businesses to promote how they help the community and what they provide and do. By donating an item from your business, you will receive recognition.
There are also Sponsorships available for the online event. Sponsors receive even more recognition. From the website’s left frame select “2020-2021 Sponsors”.
So not sure what you could donate? If someone’s business provides a complimentary 30 minute consultation – such as insurance, real estate sales, other services, then members of the business could donate something personal – like art work or jewelry for example. The business will still get exposure since the business name will show along with the item in the auction.
Contact either Denis Sapiro at (206) 601-4136 or dsapiro@live.com, or Linda Cox, Kiwanis representative to the Chamber, at cell/text (206) 910-1234 or cox.LindaAnn@comcast.net.