Date and Time
Thursday Nov 9, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
$25/Chamber Members
$35/General Admission
Contact Information
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You are invited to our November 9th Luncheon: Guardian of the Treasury, Conversations with State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti!
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial management, the WA State Treasurers office is responsible for effectively and efficiently managing investments, debt, and cash to protect Washington State's strong financial standing, building economic vitality, and ensuring the highest possible value for every tax dollar.
As Washington's chief financial officer, Mike is dedicated to financial transparency, protecting Washington's financial health, and advancing policies that best serve our state's working families and retirees.
Hear more about the state of Washington's finance, and how that impacts your economic future. Register today!
Attending a West Seattle Chamber event implies agreement and compliance with our Code of Conduct regardless of your membership status.