Date and Time
Thursday Nov 7, 2019
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Early Registration Rates
Register by November 4, 2019
$35 General Admission
$25 WS Chamber Members
Based upon availability...
Register November 5, 2019 or later
$40 General Admission
$30 WS Chamber Members

Thursday, November 7th
Please join us for the last luncheon of 2019. It will be an interesting and informative one!
The 2020 Seattle Economic Forecast will be delivered by Director of Economic Development, Bobby Lee. Bobby will give our business members a look at the changes economically in Seattle. Expect an update on industry growth, retention efforts and any other pertinent information on the growth and vitality of Seattle. Hear about industry strengths and impacts the companies have on our economy, workforce and how it affects the overall quality of life. He will also provide additional information and resources to promote business expansions, growth and start ups, and how the Department of Economic Development can be useful to your business.
About Bobby Lee:
2019 - present: Director of Economic Development - City of Seattle
2017 - 2019: Director of Economic Development for Prosper Portland. Prosper - the City’s economic development agency. He oversaw the economic development department responsible for programs and initiatives that support target industry clusters, community-led initiatives, business competitiveness, international trade, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
2011 - 2017: Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber and later Governor Kate Brown appointed Bobby to manage the Regional Solutions Teams (RST) serving the Portland Metropolitan and the Willamette Valley region. RST is the Governor’s multi-State agency team that works with local and federal governments in solving complex regional challenges in economic and community development.
2005 - 2011: Division Head for Strategic Planning, Environmental Services and Corporate Communications for Hynix Semiconductor, world’s second largest semiconductor manufacturer. He was responsible for corporate affairs including workforce planning, government affairs, power negotiation and semiconductor market analysis, while also serving as the company’s spokesperson. In 2007, he participated in international trade mission to Asia with Governor Ted Kulongoski.
2000 - 2005: Appointed as Director of Organizational Affairs for Worksystems Inc, workforce development agency serving city of Portland, and Multnomah and Washington counties.
His background also includes serving on the Eugene City Council (one year as Council President), Oregon State Board of Higher Education, US President Bill Clinton campaign staff, McKenzie Watershed Council, Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce, Intertwine Alliance, Oregon Workforce Partnership, Asian Council, Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, Lane Metro Partnership, and Eugene Area YMCA Board of Directors. He received his undergrad and graduate degree in public administration from University of Oregon where he was elected as student body president.
Registration is now closed. Please call 206-932-5685 or email for consideration.