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American Cancer Society Discovery Shop

American Cancer Society Discovery Shop

About Us

American Cancer Society Discovery Shop in West Seattle supports the fight against cancer through resale of high quality merchandise.
Shop. Donate. Volunteer! We are a hidden gem in West Seattle and we have been in the same spot for almost 35 years! If you like to go thrifting then come visit our store and help support the American Cancer Society.

We except gently used donations Tuesday-Saturday from 10:30am-4:00pm. We have a donation door in the alley and you can ring the doorbell. If you only have a few things you can bring your donations thru our front door.

We take the following donations:
Clean, gently used men's and women's clothing
All Jewelry, Purses and almost new shoes
Antiques and vintage items
Household items, small appliances almost new condition.
Seasonal decorations

Have a little extra time on your hands? We are looking for volunteers that can work one day a week for a morning or afternoon shift.
We have a fun relaxed atmosphere and you do not need any experience.


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