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WebCami LLC

WebCami LLC

Web Design & Development

About Us

I love WordPress, coffee & Alki Beach.

In 1999, I picked up a book called "HTML for Dummies" and discovered my passion for designing websites.

As I small business owner myself, I understand how hard it can be to carve out time to work on your own website.
I understand the stress it can cause to have your website go down and to wait on hold for what seems like an eternity for help, only to have the hosting company tell you, "we don't support WordPress." It's hard to be your own web designer and run your business at the same time.

I want to help you.

WebCami LLC is an agency of one. That means your website gets my personal attention and quality service without big agency prices. I build beautiful, functional, mobile-responsive, and easy-to-update websites using WordPress and Beaver Builder. After I'm done, I can train you on how to maintain your own website, or if you are too busy, I can update it for you.

Since 2002, I have developed over 600 websites for a wide range of professions from my office in West Seattle for clients all over the United States. I also manage over 200 websites in my care plan.

My corporate retail background and experience as a small business owner have allowed me to create successful websites for many different industries and organizations.


West Seattle Summer Fest; website by WebCami
West Seattle Rotary; website by WebCami
HIIT Lab; website by WebCami
Alki Mail and Dispatch; website by WebCami
Wildwood Market; website by WebCami
Close to Home Pet Services; website by WebCami
Coach Denise Bodyworks; website by WebCami
Williams Olander Interior Design; website by WebCami
West Seattle Massage Therapy; website by WebCami

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Cami MacNamara
Web Designer
  • Phone: (206) 550-7720

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